In two minds – an installation in progress for the Apartment #10 event

In two minds is a work still in evolution, building on the recurring theme of the human mind, based on the concept of saṃskāra in yoga philosophy.

Saṃskāra are the imprints in the mind that every thought, emotion, desire, feeling or action create. The build-up of these imprints over time forms habitual pathways of thought that keeps us in particular cycles of behaviour.

The endless turning of the human mind and our knotted, tangled mental pathways are here represented by the refraction of light through moving glass and some rather informal, unstructured macramé.

The ‘two minds’ leads us to ponder whether these are two different minds interacting, trying to influence each other, or two parts of one mind deliberating some dilemma, the two voices in our heads.

Made with charity shop/ second-hand glass objects, two turntables, polypropylene sheets, hemp and nylon string, light.